We can only ship to the following cities in the Canadian Territories: Iqaluit, Whitehorse, and Yellowknife. We are unable to ship to any other cities in the territories at this time.
We can ship Twin, Twin XL, Full, and Queen-sized Endy Mattresses, and the Twin-sized Endy Hybrid Mattress to the Territories.
We can also ship all of our bedding products, including the pillow, sheets, mattress protector, duvet, duvet cover, weighted blanket and pillowcases to the Territories.
We cannot ship King or Cal King mattresses, any sized bed frame or headboard, sofas, ottomans, or rugs to the territories at this time.
Any order including a mattress will incur a $150 shipping fee. Any order that only includes bedding accessories will ship free.
Note: If your area is not included here, consider shipping your order to an eligible address and arranging for transportation to your home with a local third-party company.