What is the FedEx shipping process?

General Shipping Process

Your order will be processed at our warehouse before our shipping partner picks it up. Orders placed before 1:30 pm ET/MT should leave our warehouses the same day, Monday to Sunday, excluding holidays. Orders placed after 1:30 pm ET/MT should leave our warehouses the next business day. We'll send you a Shipping Confirmation email with FedEx tracking information as soon as your order leaves our warehouse.

All FedEx deliveries will take place on business days between 8 AM and 8 PM local time. During peak seasons, delivery time could be extended to 9 PM.

If you live in a multi-unit building, please be prepared to retrieve your order from your lobby or building entry point. If you need help moving your items, please request assistance from a friend or family member ahead of time.


FedEx Ground

With FedEx Ground, you can expect:

  • One to seven business day delivery/transit time, shipping from the Calgary Area and GTA to locations across Canada.
  • Three delivery attempts and safe storage at a local FedEx contractor station. FedEx Ground drivers are also authorized to perform safe drop delivery, so you're not required to be home to receive the order.
  • In the unlikely event that three delivery attempts pass unsuccessfully, FedEx Ground contractors will hold your order at their delivery depot for 10 business days so you can pick it up at your convenience.

Worried about safe drop? Don't be! All of our deliveries are insured, and we'll replace lost packages within 2 business days if they're not found after a thorough investigation by our shipping partners.

Congratulations! Happy sleeps are on the way!




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